Lethbridge Airport and the Antonov AN-2 :: Victoria, Australia
The plan was to have Fineas fly the two of us along the Great Ocean Road in a plane. Unfortunately, the weather didn't cooperate. Fineas is only rated for visual flight rules (VFR) and couldn't fly through the very low ceiling of clouds to reach the coast, which was perfectly clear.
Fineas taxiing the plane after some touch and go landings to familiarize himself with the plane and airport
So we spent the day at Lethbridge Airport keeping an anxious eye on the sky. We did have a lovely time chatting with a flight instructor and student for much of the day. As an AvGeek, I really did enjoy the day, despite its disappointment.
Vintage bi-plane Lethbridge Airport
As a bonus, the hangar next door was filled with several beautifully maintained and still quite flyable vintage aircraft, the highlight of which was this Soviet-made Antonov AN-2, the largest bi-plane in the world, I believe:
Antonov AN-2 with very stylish leather couches
Antonov AN-2
Antonov AN-2